The Microsoft Excel WHILE. WEND statement is used to create a WHILE loop in VBA. With a WHILE loop , the loop body may not execute even once. Dim Counter Counter = . Looping continues while the condition remains True.
Suppose you have a dataset and you want to highlight all the cells in even rows. A Do… While loop is used when we want to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is true. Loop format, Description, Example. Loop , Runs or more time while condition is . Learn the basics for this . As opposed to the do. Break out of a While.
I am using a While. Grab your free exercise file here! Using do until loops in VBA. Power up Excel with do . It could really make your work easier. Both forms are supported.

While Loops bölümüne geç - next loops, do loops and while loops. You can also vary the code a little and write a do. Loops are used for repeating a set of statements multiple times. Next loop , the While …. Wend loop and the the Do… Loop. In a Do While loop , the relevant statements are executed as long as the condition is True.
Each type of loop has certain . There are three basic types of loops in VB : For Each. If you require exiting the loop at any stage, use the Exit statement. Note: You should use a while or do ( while and until) loops if you have no idea for the number of . We also take a look at looping through a range of cells using Excel table referencing.
I use the FOR EACH VBA construct for looping. During the loop , we check . New programmers often want to just break out of a loop ( VBA For loops or VBA Do While loops ) instantly when a certain condition is true. This series of blogs is part of our Excel VBA online tutorial. LOOP when you want to loop until a condition is true, or the very similar DO WHILE.
VBA Loops in Excel and how to avoid them using Special Cells and other methods.
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